TikTok Users Are Watching 80s and 90s NBA Games and It Seems Like We've Been Told Egregious Lies About the Good Old Days

The Michael Jordan defenders owe all of us an explanation right now, because what I'm seeing is breathtaking and I do not mean that as a compliment. I guess the old heads figured we'd just never collectively go back and watch full games from 40 years ago, but I have some bad news: TikTok has time.

I absolutely can't stand LeBron James and find his seeming insistence upon making himself unlikable extremely fascinating, but even before watching these clips, there really wasn't a great argument for Michael Jordan being a better player than he is. And now that we've all seen this ... my goodness. The accusations of playing against plumbers have been more than confirmed.

Watching these videos has even further cemented my favorite point ever made in this conversation, which is that there wouldn't be a debate at all if LeBron had come before Jordan. And if they were each playing against the same competition, that gap gets even wider. Imagine watching MJ take on those trash cans right now and then turning on LeBron highlights and having the audacity to compare the two? You'd be sent to a mental hospital.

I never thought a random TikTok trend would be one of the final nails in the coffin for this decades-long debate, but here we are. The olds have 48 hours to respond.

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